As a Leader, What Is a Lesson You Wish to Pass On?

Sep 1, 2022

Jorge Avendano-Curiel, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Charles Schwab & member of the LLI Network, shares his answer.


Leadership is both our heritage and legacy. Since its founding, the LLI has delivered exceptional leadership programming that continues to prepare, develop, connect, and elevate Latino leaders because of a single, unwavering vision: Latinos are represented in the highest positions of influence and power across every sector and industry.

Luz Rosario, LLI Grad, Is an Advocate for Women Veterans

Luz Rosario, LLI Grad, Is an Advocate for Women Veterans

Ignite became a springboard for action for Luz Rosario. “It was the first step in starting the conversation about what Latinos need in leadership,” she declares. “There’s so much more to learn, but Ignite also sparked a critical question: what can I do with this knowledge?”